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C.B McPherson’s Concept of Creative Freedom

C B McPherson's Concept of Creative Freedom

C.B McPherson’s Concept of Creative Freedom

What is Creative Freedom?

Creative freedom refers to the completeness of an individual in the matter in which they have the freedom to express their ideas, imagination and creativity without any kind of limitation or external restriction. It is the freedom to explore new ideas, experiment with different styles, and create original works that do not conform to traditional rules or expectations.

Features of creative freedom:

  1. Unlimited expression: Creative freedom allows individuals to express their thoughts, feelings and imagination without any kind of limitation or modification. Individuals can use the freedom to explore unconventional ideas and challenge the conventional thought.
  2. Innovation: Creative freedom creates opportunities for experimentation and innovation. It encourages an Individual to come up with wonderful ideas, full of freshness.
  3. Individuality: Creative freedom supports individuality and allows a person to develop their own unique way of styles and voices. It helps them to express their personal point of view and experiences, which add creativity and uniqueness to their work.
  4. Empowerment: Creative freedom gives everyone control over their work. They can make work-related decisions without outside pressure, which gives them a sense of ownership and success.
  5. Cultural richness: The valuable quality of creative freedom fosters a rich and diverse cultural environment. It encourages creativity in various work forms, always motivate to cultural enrichment and preservation.

However, it is important to note that creative freedom does not mean complete isolation from outside influences or criticism. Creators may choose to draw inspiration from a variety of sources, collaborate with others, or leave their work open to review. In particular, some creators find a confined or restrictive environment encouraging and localizing their enthusiasm for creativity, because they force them to break out of a rut and find humorous solutions.

C B McPherson’s Concept of Creative Freedom

  1. Personal Freedom and Creative Expression:

CB McPherson’s work is popularly known as Possessive Individualism, where he stresses the importance of individual liberty. In this context, creative freedom can be considered a natural aspect of individual liberty. When a person is free from external coercion and has the freedom to pursue his or her interests, he or she maximizes his or her creativity. It develops rich and innovative ideas for the development of immense creative expression, which are helpful in cultural and social progress.

  1. Negative Freedom and Creative Space:

McPherson’s concept of “negative liberty” is that there should be no interference with the actions of individuals. In a society that upholds negative liberty, people are free to pursue creativity within the limits set by the state or other authority. This creates an environment of experimentation, where artists and innovators are free to try to push the boundaries of traditional rules, creating new and original works of art, literature and technology.

  1. Combating the Weaknesses of Possessive Individualism:

According to McPherson, possessive individualism predominate the importance of individual liberty, he also pointed out its confusing aspects. A focus solely on self-interest and the authority of property can lead to social inequality and separatism, thereby restricting creative freedom for certain groups. This leads to the need to solve social inequality.

  1. Creative Freedom in a Changing World:

The elements and individual freedoms based on McPherson’s ideology remain valid even with the development of societies. In an increasingly connected and globalizing age, the concept of creative freedom expands beyond traditional boundaries. Digital platforms and technological advancements provide new avenues for creative expression, allowing people from diverse backgrounds to share their creations with a global audience. However, this also raises concerns about Individual Property Rights (IPR) and creative autonomy in the digital age.


C.B. McPherson’s ideas highlight the relationship between individual liberty and creative expression. Although personal freedom is important for creative freedom, confronting social inequality and nurturing supportive environments are also vital for creativity to flourish in the interest of society and avoid social inequality.

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