UPSC Notes on Liberalism
This political theory UPSC notes on Liberalism covers the concepts like Meaning, Definitions, Types and Features and relevance of liberalism in a detailed manner that will definitely helpful for students to understand the concept in a systematic manner.
Meaning of Liberalism
Liberalism is a principle of politics that insists on ‘liberty’ of the individual as the first and foremost goal of public policy. The word Liberalism derived from the Latin word ‘Liberal’ which means ‘freeman’. Thus liberalism stands for the freest and fullest development of the individual. Liberalism provides social, economic and political order wherein man may feel free, safe and get encouraged to develop himself fully without any outside interference.
Definitions of Liberalism
According to Laski, “liberalism is no doubt related to freedom”
Sartori defines “Liberalism is a theory and practice of individualism, judicial defense, and constitutional state.”
McGovern defines “Liberalism as a political concept is a compound of separate elements. One of these is a democracy and the other is individualism”.
Origin of Liberalism
Liberalism was evolved in the west in the late seventeenth century. English philosopher, Jhon Locke was known as the father of liberalism she first strongly supported the theory of the natural rights of the individual. Liberalism had powerful support from both the French Revolution (1789) and the American Declaration of Independence (1776). In the 19th century, liberalism continued to govern the thinking, policies, and actions of a large number the countries of the world and under its influence, several reforms were incorporated in the social and political life of the people of several countries. In the 20th century, it was adopted and practiced by the people of a large number of states.
Types of Liberalism
Liberalism has been divided into 2 broad forms:
1-Classical liberalism
2-Modern liberalism
Classical liberalism | Modern liberalism |
Classical liberalism is also known as negative liberalism, which was the oldest and original form of liberalism. | Modern liberalism is also known as positive liberalism and provides the model of welfare state. |
It supported a limited government based on the consent of the people. According to classical liberalism, individuals are the center of the whole system and sought maximum liberty for him. According to Classical liberalism the govt. is the best which governs the least. | It abandoning the policy of laissez-faire and adopting the policy of welfare and interventionist state. It believes in a regulated and planned economy in the overall interests of society. |
Classical liberalism supported the doctrine of natural rights of the individual and it desired minimum control of the state upon the individual. | Modern liberalism supported to the fact that Liberty and equality are complementary to each other. Modern liberals believe in change which is gradual, evolutionary, piecemeal and incremental, as opposed to class struggle. |
Classical liberalism supported the idea of ‘Laisses-Faire’ meaning the least number of state interference in the economic life of the people. It also supported open competition in the sphere of trade. | Modern liberalism has tremendous faith in the constitutional, democratic and parliamentary system of governments. |
Scholars John Locke, Adam Smith, Herbert Spencer, Bentham are the major exponents of classical liberalism. | Scholars John Locke, Adam Smith, Herbert Spencer, Bentham are the major exponents of classical liberalism. |
Basic Features of Liberalism
- Liberalism recognizes the importance of the individual and it has faith in the rationality of the individual because man is a rational creature. He has immense potential to contribute to social progress as well as to his own good.
- There is no basic contradiction between an individual’s self-interest and the common interest and the common interest of society. In fact, the common interest denotes a point of reconciliation between the diverse interests of different individuals.
- Man is endowed with certain natural rights which cannot be transgressed by any authority.
- Civil society and state are artificial institutions that are created by individuals to serve the common interest.
- Liberalism promotes democracy and civil liberties of an individual like freedom of thought and expression, freedom of association and movement, personal freedom, etc. any restriction on individual freedom should be meant to ensure equal freedom for others.
- Liberalism supports secularism, multiculturalism and it has the faith of pluralist society.
- Competition is an essential condition for promoting common goods and economic competition is essential for increased production and economic development.
- Liberalism has faith in internationalism and universal brotherhood and believes in the motto ‘live and let live’.
- Liberalism also believes in the decentralization of power and the government should be constitutional and limited which giving more importance to the individuals.
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Criticisms of liberalism
In spite of these good features of liberalism, it has some demerits and these are like:
- Liberalism lacks clarity as it supports the individual on the one hand and on the other hand, it pushes the individual into a capitalist economic system with all its exploitations.
- It has an undue faith in the rationality of individual because of most of the individuals are ignorant even about their own real interest and most of them know only their immediate interest. Therefore liberalism is criticized because the individual is seldom the best judge of his interest.
- According to liberal theory, an Individual is a separate –isolated entity which criticized further because society has its own character and aims which are larger and extensive than individual aims and interests. An individual has little entity and identity outside the society but it is not isolated or separate from society.
- Liberalism believes the state as an artificial an institution that is not at all acceptable because the state is a natural institution that has evolved over a long period and with the contribution of several factors for its growth. It is not also a necessary evil.
- The liberal theory also criticized because it believes in open competitions which proved harmful to the weaker sections of the society. Open competition leads to a stage where the capitalist grows very powerful and the poor get exploited as a result of it the rich became richer and the poor become poorer.
- The liberal theory also criticized for giving the wrong conception of natural rights and wrong conception of liberty by the traditional liberals.
- Liberalism also criticized by the socialists and communalists because liberals think society can transform through peaceful methods but the communalists do not agree with it. Socialist criticized liberalism because it gives less importance to society and social needs and gives total faith to the individual and forgets the society.
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Relevance of Liberalism in 21st Century
Despite these demerits, the world has now accepted the virtue of liberalism as the best way of organizing the social, economic and political life in each society. In the 21st century, liberalism stands for human welfare, liberalization, multiculturalism the market economy, open competition in trade and commerce, human right and freedoms etc.
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