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25 Important Questions on Realism

25 Important Questions on Realism

Questions on Realism

This article includes 25 Important Questions on Realism that covers the meaning, definition, features and types of realism. These questions are very helpful for CUET and UGC NET examinations.

  1. Which theory believes that states are the primary actors in International Relations?

a) Liberalism

b) Realism

c) Constructivism

d) Post-structuralism

    Ans: b) Realism

    2. Which among the followings are the three core elements of Realism?

    a) Power, moral values and national interest

    b) survival and diplomacy

    c) Statism, survival and self-help

    d) Anarchy, power and security

    Ans: c) Statism, survival and self-help

    3. According to realism, International system is:

    a) Diplomatic

    b) Democratic

    c) Despotic

    d) Anarchic

    Ans: d) Anarchic

    4. Who said “International Politics is a struggle for power between and among the nations”?

    a) Thucydides

    b) Machiavelli

    c) Morgenthau

    d) E.H. Carr

    Ans: c) Morgenthau

    Net Political Science question paper

    5. Who is known as the father of classical realism?

    a) Morgenthau

    b) Thucydides

    c) Machiavelli

    d) Quincy Wright

    Ans: a) Morgenthau

    6. Classical realism begins with:

    a) Morgenthau

    b) Thucydides

    c) Machiavelli

    d) E.H. Carr

    Ans: b) Thucydides

    7. According to classical realism, the root of power politics is:

    a) Structure of International system

    b) Security and survival

    c) Anarchic International system

    d) Human Nature

    Ans: d) Human Nature

    8. Who wrote the book “Politics among Nations: Struggle for Power and Peace”?

    a) Morgenthau

    b) Kenneth Walz

    c) Farid Zakaria

    d) E.H. Carr

    Ans: a) Morgenthau

    9. Morgenthau gave how many principles of classical realism?

    a) 7

    b) 6

    c) 8

    d) 10

    Ans: b) 6

    10.  Which one is not a feature of realism?

    a) International system is anarchic

    b) Non-states are important actors

    c) The primary concern of all states is survival

    d) The core national interest of all states is power

      Ans: b) Non-states are important actors

      11.  Who among the following is not an exponent of realism?

      a) Spykman

      b) Thompson

      c) James Robinson

      d) Wolfers

        Ans: c) James Robinson

        12.  Who is known as keynote realist?

        a) Reinhold Niebuhr

        b) Thompson

        c) Spykman

        d) Morgenthau

          Ans; c) Spykman

          13. Who wrote the book “The Geography of the Power”?

          a) Kenneth Waltz

          b) Morgenthau

          c)  Spykmann

          d) Kaplan

            Ans: c) Spykmann

            14. Who is the chief exponent of neo-realist?

             a) Zakaria

            b) Mearsheimer

            c) Morgenthau

            d) Kenneth Waltz

              Ans: d) Kenneth Waltz

              15. Who wrote the book “Tragedy of Great Power Politics”?

              a) Spykman

              b) Zakaria

              c) Mearsheimer

              d) Morgenthau

                Ans: c) Mearsheimer

                16. Strategic realism is a theory of International Relations associated with—?

                a) Thomas Schelling

                b) Zakaria

                c) Mearsheimer

                d) Spykman

                  Ans:  a) Thomas Schelling

                  17. Who wrote the book “From Wealth to Power”?

                  a)  Thucydides

                  b) Spykman

                  c) Zakaria

                  d) Thomas Schelling

                    Ans: c) Zakaria

                    18.  Neo-realism is also known as:

                    a) Strategic realism

                    b) Neo-Classical realism

                    c) Structural realism

                    d) Offensive realism

                      Ans: c) Structural realism

                      19. Who among the following thinker is not belong to structural realism:

                      a) Machiavelli

                      b) Rousseau

                      c) Kenneth Waltz

                      d) Mearsheimer

                      Ans: a) Machiavelli

                      political science CUET mock test

                      20. Who gave the theory of offensive realism?

                      a) Mearsheimer

                      b) Spykman

                      c) Zakaria

                      d) Thomas Schelling

                      Ans: a) Mearsheimer

                      21.  Who is the chief exponent of defensive realism?

                      a) Morgenthau

                      b) Zakaria

                      c) Thomas Schelling

                      d) Kenneth Waltz

                      Ans: d) Kenneth Waltz

                      22. Who wrote the book “Man, the State and War”?

                      a) E.H. Carr

                      b) Kenneth Waltz

                      c) Spykman

                      d) Thomas Schelling

                      Ans: b) Kenneth Waltz

                      23. Who is not an exponent of neoclassical realism?

                      a) Zakaria

                      b) G. Rose

                      c) Ripsman

                      d) R. Keohane

                      Ans: d) R. Keohane

                      24. According to realists, what is the most stable form of International Order?

                      a) A Unipolar World

                      b) A bipolar balance of power

                      c) A multipolar world

                      d) A world governed by international law

                      Ans: b) A bipolar balance of power

                      25. Which historical event significantly contributed to the development of realism as a dominant theory in IR?

                      a) The Industrial Revolution

                      b) The Cold War

                      c) The Peace of Westphalia

                      d) World War II

                      Ans: d) World War II

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