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CUET Question Paper 2024- Questions on Democracy

Questions on Democracy

Questions on Democracy

The article ‘CUET Question Paper 2024 on Democracy’, includes 40 important Questions on Democracy for the CUET Political Science aspirants and these questions are also helpful for BA Political Science and MA Political Science students as well as for the students who are preparing for UGC NET in Political Science.

1. The term ‘Democracy’ is first used by whom?

a. John Austin

b. Aristotle

c. D. D. Raphael

d. Herodotus

Ans:  d. Herodotus

2. Who said, ‘Democracy as Government of the people , by the people and for the people’ ?

a. John Austin

b.James Bryce

c.John Seeley

d. Abraham Lincoln

Ans: d. Abraham Lincoln

3. The term ‘Democracy’ is derived from which word?

a. French Word

b. Greek Word

c. English Word

d. Latin Word

Ans: b. Greek Word

CUET political science question paper

4. According to whom, ‘Democracy is a government in which everyone has a share’?

a. John Austin

b.James Bryce

c.John Seeley

d. Abraham Lincoln

Ans: c. John Seeley

5. When was the term ‘Democracy’ first used?

a. 4th Century B.C

b. 5th Century B.C

c. 6th Century B.C

d. 7th Century B.C

Ans: 5th Century B.C

6. Who wrote the book The Rise of  Mericracy,1958’

a. Michael Young

b. John Seeley

c. D. Raphael

d. James Bryce

Ans: a. Michael Young

7. Which among the following is the birth place of Democracy?

a. France

b. Greece

c. Britain

d. USA

Ans: b. Greece

8. According to whom, “all the ills of Democracy can be cured by more democracy”.

a. Alfred Emanuel Smith

b. Michael Young

c. Harry Emerson Fosdick

d. C.B.Macpherson

Ans: Alfred Emanuel Smith

9.  According to Aristotle,” mixed constitution is the combination of –

a. aristocracy and democracy

b. democracy and oligarchy

c. monarchy and democracy

d. None of the above

Ans: a. aristocracy and democracy

10.Who wrote the book ‘The Spirit of the Laws’(1748) ?

a. Machiavelli

b. Rousseau

c. Montesquieu

d. Locke

Ans: c. Montesquieu

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11. Who introduced the idea of ‘popular sovereignty’?

a. Aristotle

b. Rousseau

c. Montesquieu

d. Locke

 Ans: b. Rousseau

12. Who described, ‘Democracy as the tyranny of the majority’?

a. De Tocqueville

b. James Madison

c. Montesquieu

d. Locke

 Ans: a. De Tocqueville

13. Who advocated party less democracy in India?

a. Mahatma Gandhi

b. James Madison

c. Montesquieu

d. Jayaprakash Narayan

Ans: d. Jayaprakash Narayan

14.What was the man’s natural state according to Thomas Hobbes?

a. Harmony

b. Communism

c. War

d. Revolution

Ans. a. Harmony

15. Who develop a model of the democratic process, which is described as ‘polyarchy’?

a. David Easton

b. Robert Dahl

c. Harry Emerson Fosdick

d. C.B.Macpherson

Ans. b. Robert Dahl

16. Who described democracy as ‘Democratic Centralism’?

a. Mao

b. Karl Marx

c. Lenin

d. C.B. Macpherson

Ans: c.  Lenin

17.Which among the following matched correctly ?

a. Mao-one man one vote

b. Karl Marx-Tyranny of Majrity

c. Lenin-Federal Government

d. C.B.Macpherson-Participatory Democracy

Ans: d. C.B. Macpherson-Participatory Democracy

18.Who said, ‘Democracy is the rule of the politician’?

a. Robert Dahl

b. Truman

c. Schumpeter

d. C.B. Macpherson

Ans: c. Schumpeter

19.Who among the following said,” Democracy is a threat to individual liberty”?

a. Alexis de Tocqueville

b. Jeremy Bentham

c. Schumpeter

d. C.B.Macpherson

Ans: a. Alexis de Tocqueville

20.who described Democracy as way of Life ?

a. Alexis de Tocqueville

b. John Dewey

c. Schumpeter

d. C.B.Macpherson

Ans. b. John Dewey

21.Who wrote the book ‘Capitalism, Socialism and Dmocracy’?

a. Alexis de Tocqueville

b. Lipset

c. Schumpeter

d. C.B.Macpherson

Ans: c. Schumpeter

22.Which among the following is not a method of Direct Democracy?

a. Referendum

b. Initiative

c. Recall

d. Representation

Ans: d. Representation

23. Direct Democracy is found in which among the following country?

a. USA

b. Britain

c. France

d. Switzerland

Ans: d. Switzerland

24.’Models of Democracy’ book is written by whom?

a. Macpherson

b. Russel

c. David Held

d. Burnham

Ans: c. David Held

political science CUET mock test

25. Who used the word ‘Demarchy’?

a. Macpherson

b. Russel

c. David Held


Ans: d. Burnheim

26.Who said, ‘ A democracy is more than a form of government; it is primarily a mode of associated living, of conjoint communicated experience.’?

 a. Seeley

b. Garner

c. John Dewey

d. Gettel

Ans: c. John Dewey

27. According to who,” Man’s capacity for justice makes democracy possible, but man’s inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary”?

a. Macpherson

b. Russel

c. Reinhold Niebour


Ans: c. Reinhold Niebour

28.Who was the first to use the term ‘elite’ and ‘masses’ to indicate superior and inferior groups in society ?

a. Vilfredo Pareto

b. Robert Michel

c. Mosca


Ans: a. Vilfredo Pareto

29. Who among the following is not related to elite theory of  democracy?

a. Vilfredo Pareto

b. Robert Michel

c. Mosca


Ans. d. Fishkin

30. The book ‘The Ruling class’ is written by whom?

a. Vilfredo Pareto

b. Robert Michel

c. Mosca

d. Robert Cohen

Ans. c. Mosca

31. Who propounded the famous ‘iron law of oligarchy’?

 a. Vilfredo Pareto

b. Robert Michel

c. Mosca

d.Robert Cohen

Ans. b. Robert Michel

32. Who wrote the book ‘Democracy and Education’?

a. Seeley

b. Garner

c. John Dewey

d. Gettel

Ans: c. John Dewey

33. The book ‘Democracy and Illusion’ is written by which among the following thinker?

a. John Plamenatz

b. Garner

c. John Dewey

d. Gettel

Ans: a. John Plamenatz

34. The book ‘State and Revolution’ (1917) is written by whom?

a. Lenin

b. Marx

c. John Dewey

d. Mao

Ans. a. Lenin

35. What is the meaning of the policy of glasnost?

a. freedom

b. rights

c. openness

d. democracy

Ans. c. Openness

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36. Radical Theory of  Democracy is best represented by whom?

a. Macpherson

b. Garner

c. John Dewey

d. Karl Marx

Ans: a. Macpherson

37. Who gave the concept of ‘possessive individualism’?


b. Macpherson

c. Garner

d. John Dewey

Ans. a. Schumpeter

38. Deliberative democracy believes in which among the following idea?

a. Democratic decentralization

b. Democratic changes

c. Democratic decision making

d. Democratic centralisation

Ans. c. Democratic decision making

39. The book ‘Democracy and Deliberation’ is written by whom?

a. J.S. Fiskin

b. J.Cohen

c. John Dewey

d. Micheal  Waltzer

Ans: a. J.S. Fiskin

40.Who among the following are the proponents of  Deliberative Democracy?

a. J.S. Fiskin, Cohen and S.L.Hurley

b. J.Cohen and Bernard Manin

c. J.Roger and Micheal Waltzer

d. All of the above

Ans: d. All of the above

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