Political Science Books and Authors List
Political science is a dynamic and diverse discipline that defines the theory and practice of politics, government and policies. There is a wide range of books written on Political Science but among all these books, some important books offered foundational knowledge and insight into various aspects of political science.
Among all Political Science Books and Authors List, the western political thought books are more asked in examinations so the list of Western Political Thought Books are more useful in terms of examination for all political science student.
Western Political Thought Book
Several comprehensive Western Political Thought Books provide valuable insights about the development and evolution of political traditions and philosophies. Here is the list of some important influential books of important political thinkers that cover key aspects of Western political thought:
Books Written by Jeremy Bentham:
1- An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation-1789 2- Theory of Legislation-1802 3- A Fragment on Government-1776 4- The Limits of Jurisprudence Defined: Being Part Two of An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation |
Books Written by John Stuart Mill:
1- On Liberty-1859 2- Utilitarianism-1861 3- The Subjection of Women-1869 4- A System of Logic-1843 5- Principles of Political Economy-1848 6- Considerations on Representative Government-1861 7- Principles of Political Economy: With Some of Their Applications to Social Philosophy-1847 |
Books Written by Montesquieu :
1- The Spirit of Law-1748 2- The political theory of Montesquieu 3- Reflections on the Causes of the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire |
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Books Written by Adam Smith:
1- Lectures on Jurisprudence-1763 2- The Wealth of Nations-1776 3- The Theory of Moral Sentiments-1759 4- The Invisible Hand Adam Smith-1759 5- Lectures on Jurisprudence-1763 |
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Books Written by Immanuel Kant:
1- Critique of Pure Reason-1781 2- The Metaphysics of Morals-1797 3- The Metaphysics of Morals-1785 4- What Is Enlightenment?-1784 5- Critique of Judgment-1790 6- Critique of Practical Reason-1788 7- Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch-1795 |
Books Written by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel:
1- The Phenomenology of Spirit-1807 2- Science of Logic-1812 3- Elements of the Philosophy of Right-1820 4- Lectures on the Philosophy of History-1837 5- Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion-1821 |
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Books Written by Max Weber:
1- The Theory of Social and Economic Organization-1921 2- Economy and Society-1971 3- Politics as a Vocation-1919 4- Sociology of Religion-1920 5- From Max Weber: Essays in sociology-1949 6- The Religion of India: The Sociology of Hinduism and Buddhism-1916 |
Books Written by Antonio Gramsci:
1- Prison Notebooks-1926 2- Subaltern Social Groups: A Critical Edition of Prison Notebook |
Books Written by Hannah Arendt:
1- The Human Condition-1958 2- The Origins of Totalitarianism-1951 3- On Violence-1970 4- On Revolution-1963 5- Was is Politik?-1993 6- Civil Disobedience-1972 7- What Was Authority? 8- The Freedom to Be Free |
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Books Written by John Rawls:
1- A Theory of Justice -1971 2- Political Liberalism- 1993 3- The Law of Peoples -1999 4- Justice as Fairness: A Restatement-2001 |
Books Written by Robert Nozick:
1- Anarchy, State, and Utopia-1974 2- Philosophical Explanations- 1981 3- The Nature of Rationality-1993 4- Invariances-2001 |
Books Written by Michel Foucault:
1- Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason-1961 2- The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences-1966 3- The Archaeology of Knowledge-1969 4- The History of Sexuality-1976-84 |
Books Written by Jürgen Habermas:
1. The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society-1962 2-Knowledge and Human Interests-1968 3-Theory and Practice -1963, revised in 1971 4-Toward a Rational Society: Student Protest, Science, and Politics-1970 5-Legitimation Crisis-1973 6-Communication and the Evolution of Society-1976 7-The Theory of Communicative Action-1981 8-Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action-1983 9-The Future of Human Nature-2003 10-Between Naturalism and Religion: Philosophical Essays -2008 |
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