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Political Science Books and Authors List

Political Science Books and Authors List

Political Science Books and Authors List

Political science is a dynamic and diverse discipline that defines the theory and practice of politics, government and policies. There is a wide range of books written on Political Science but among all these books, some important books offered foundational knowledge and insight into various aspects of political science.

Among all Political Science Books and Authors List, the western political thought books are more asked in examinations so the list of Western Political Thought Books are more useful in terms of examination for all political science student.

Western Political Thought Book

Several comprehensive Western Political Thought Books provide valuable insights about the development and evolution of political traditions and philosophies. Here is the list of some important influential books of important political thinkers that cover key aspects of Western political thought:

Books Written by Plato

Apology (399-390 BC)
Crito (399-390 BC)
Symposium (385-370 BC)
Republic (380-370 BC)
Sophist (360-355 BC)
Statesman (360-355 BC)
Timaeus (355-347 BC)
Laws (350-347 BC)

Books Written by Aristotle

Metaphysics (340 BC)
Nicomachean Ethics ( 340 BC)
Politics (335-323 BC)
Athenian Constitution ( 330 BC)

Books Written by Machiavelli

The Prince-Written in 1513, published in 1532
Discourses on Livy-Written between 1517-1519 and published in 1531
The Art of War-Written in 1519-1520 and published in 1521
History of Florence-1532

Books written by Hobbes

The Elements of Law, Natural and Politic – Written in 1640 and published in 1650
De Cive (On the Citizen) – Written in 1642 and published in 1647
De Corpore (On the Body) – Written in Latin in 1649 and published in 1655
De Homine (On Man) – Written in Latin in 1658 and published in 1658

Books Written by Locke

A Letter Concerning Toleration – Written in 1685 and published in 1689
Two Treatises of Government – Written in 1680-1683 and published in 1689.
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding – Written in 1671-1689, published in 1690
Thoughts Concerning Education – Written in 1684 and published in 1693

Books Written by Rousseau

Discourse on the Arts and Sciences – Published in 1750.
Discourse on the Origin and Basis of Inequality Among Men – Published in 1755.
The Social Contract – Published in 1762.
Émile, or On Education – Published in 1762.
The Confessions – Written between 1765-1770, published in 1782.

Books Written by Karl Marx

Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right – Written in 1843 and published in 1927
A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right: Introduction – Published in 1844
Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 – Written in 1844 and published in 1932.
The Holy Family (in collaboration with Friedrich Engels) – Published in 1845.
Theses on Feuerbach – Written in 1845 and published in 1888.
The German Ideology (in collaboration with Friedrich Engels) – Written in 1846 and published in 1932
The Poverty of Philosophy – Published in 1847.
The Communist Manifesto(in collaboration with Friedrich Engels) – Published in 1848.
The Class Struggles in France, 1848–1850 – Published in 1850.
Grundrisse – Written in 1857-1858 and published in 1939.
A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy – Published in 1859.
Das Kapital, Volume I – Published in 1867.
The Civil War in France – Published in 1871.
Critique of the Gotha Program – Written in 1875 and published in 1891.
Das Kapital, Volume II – Written by Marx, edited and published by Friedrich Engels in 1885.
Das Kapital, Volume III – Written by Marx, edited and published by Friedrich Engels in 1894.

Books Written by Lenin

The Development of Capitalism in Russia – Published in 1899
What Is to Be Done? – Published in 1902
Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism – Published in 1917
The State and Revolution – Written in 1917, published in 1918
Marxism and Revisionism – Published in 1908
Socialism and War – Published in 1915

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