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Multiple Choice questions on Plato


  1. In Plato’s state the government is run by: a

a) workers

 b) Philosophers 

c) Soldiers

 d) Constitution 

 Ans: b) Philosophers 

2. According to the Philosophy of Plato, the fundamental character of the philosopher is :

          a) Courage 

          b) Wisdom

          c) Appetite 

          d)None of the above

        Ans:b) Wisdom

        3.  According to Plato, justice is:

           a) The interest of the stronger

           b) Speaking truth and paying one’s debt

           c) The virtue derived from the wealth

           d)virtue befitting the state

          Ans:d) virtue befitting the state

     4. Who criticized Plato as a totalitarian thinker:

          a) Karl Popper

          b) Bertrand Russell

          c) R.H.S. Crossman

          d)All of the above

         Ans:a) Karl Popper

5. Plato’s communism was applied to which class:

        a) Guardian

        b) Soldier

        c) Trader

        d) All of the above

      Ans:a) Guardian

    6. Plato’s concept of justice is described in his work:

        a) the Statesman

        b) the Laws

        c) the Republic

        d)None of these

       Ans: c) the Republic

     7. Who declared ‘the Republic ‘ as best treaties on education?

        a) Aristotle

        b) Rousseau

      c) Barker


      Ans: b) Rousseau

8. Who described – justice as ‘the interest of the stronger’?

       a) Plato

       b) Glaucon

       c) Cephalus

       d) Thrasymachus

    Ans: d) Thrasymachus
9. Which book is not written by Plato: 
         a) Republic
         b) Statesman
         c) Laws
         d) Politics

   Ans: d) Politics
10. The book ‘Plato Today'(1959) is written by: 
          a) Karl Popper
          b) Bertrand Russell
          c) R.H.S. Crossman
          d) None of the above

      Ans: c) R.H.S. Crossman
11. ‘The spell of Plato'(1945) is written by: 
         a) Karl Popper
         b) Bertrand Russell
         c) R.H.S. Crossman
         d) None of the above

      Ans: a) Karl Popper

     12. Plato’s education system is founded on the principle of: 
             a) Compulsory Education
             b) Full equality of opportunity for all citizens
             c) No discrimination on the ground of birth or gender
             d) All of the above

           Ans: d) All of the above

     13. According to Plato, how many virtues are in a perfect society:
          a) 3
          b) 4
          c) 5
          d) 2

       Ans: a) 3
 14. Which among the following is correctly matched:
       a) Soldier – Temperance
       b) Philosopher – courage
       c) Trader – Appetite
       d) All of the above

     Ans: c) Trader – Appetite

15. Who criticized Plato as a champion of a close society:
          a) Karl Popper
          b) Bertrand Russell
          c) R.H.S. Crossman
          d) None of the above

        Ans: a) Karl Popper

Important concepts given by Plato

  • Theory of Justice
  • communism of Wives and Property
  • Concept of Education
  • Ideal State
  • Philopher king
Plato’s most famous book is- The Republic which is widely acknowledged as the cornerstone of Western political philosophy.
His other famous books are:
The Statesman
 The Symposium
The Laws.  
“Love is a serious mental disease.” 
“When the mind is thinking it is talking to itself.” 
“Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion and knowledge.”
 “Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something.” 
“Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.”   
Important Facts about Plato

Plato is one of the most famous political philosophers in the world and known as the first philosopher of political science.
Plato born in 428/427 BCE during the Classical Period in Athens of Ancient Greece and died in 348/347 BCE.
Plato is a student of Socrates and a teacher to Aristotle and he was the founder of The Academy in 387BCE which is known as the first school of higher learning in Europe.
Plato is the most prominent figure in the history of Ancient Greek political philosophy and the originator of the Platonist school of thought.  


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