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Multiple Choice Questions on Rousseau


Jean Jaques Rousseau

1. Rousseau is a political philosoper belongs to:

(a) Italy

(b) France

(c) Germany

(d) Greece

Ans. (b) France

2. The essay ‘ Has the Revival of the Science and the Arts Helped to Purify or to Corrupt Morals?’ written by:

(a) Locke

(b) Rawls

(c) Rousseau

(d) None of the above

Ans. (c) Rousseau

3. The book ‘Social Contract’ is written by:

(a) Rousseau

(b) Hobbes

(c) Locke

(d) Rawls

Ans. (a) Rousseau

4. Which among the following is known as Rousseau’s autobiography:

(a) Emile

(b) The Confession

(c) The social contract

(d) Discourse on the Origin of Inequality

Ans. (b) The Confession

5. Which among the following book of Rousseau is about educational philosophy:

(a) Emile

(b) Discourse on the Sciences and the Arts

(c) Discourse on the Origin of Inequality

(d) None of the Above

Ans. (a) Emile

6. Who said, ‘ Nature never deceives us; it is we who deceive ourselves’:

(a) Locke

(b) Kant

(c) Rousseau

(d) Hegel

Ans. (c) Rousseau

7. Who describes, ‘‘Women as by nature inferior to men, but nature has made them cunning to compensate their weakness”:

(a) Aristotle

(b) Hobbes

(c) Kant

(d) Rousseau

Ans. (d) Rousseau

8. Rousseau in his book ‘Discourses on the Origin of Inequality'(1754) distinguished inequality into:

(a) Natural and Conventional inequality

(b) Social and Cultural inequality

(c) Moral and Immoral inequality

(d) None of the above

Ans. (a) Natural and Conventional inequality

9. who said,’ it was iron and corn, which first civilized men, and ruined humanity’:

(a) Hobbes

(b) Machiavelli

(c) Rousseau

(d) None of the above

Ans. (c) Rousseau

10. Rousseau described the rise of civilization in which of his book:

(a) Social Contract

(b) Discourse on the Origin of Inequality

(c) The Confession

(d) None of the above

Ans. (b) Discourse on the Origin of Inequality

11. Who said, ” Man is born free and everywhere he is in chain”:

(a) Hobbes

(b) Machiavelli

(c) Rawls

(d) Rousseau

Ans. (d) Rousseau

12. Who gave the proposal for ‘Return to Nature’:

(a) Rousseau

(b) Kant

(c) Hegel

(d) Hume

Ans. (a) Rousseau

13. The social contract theory was introduced by:

(a) Locke

(b) Machiavelli

(c) Rousseau 

(d) Hobbes

Ans. (d) Hobbes

14. General Will is related to:

(a) Individual Will

(b) Actual Will

(c) Real Will

(d) Particular Will

Ans. (c) Real Will

15. Who said,’ Man can be forced to be free’:

(a) Aristotle

(b) Hobbes

(c) Hegel 

(d) Rousseu

Ans. (d) Rousseu

Important Facts About Rousseau

Jean-Jacques Rousseau born in 28 June 1712 and died in 2 July 1778. in Geneva, Switzerland.

At the age of 16, Rousseau moved to Paris and settled their and left Geneva.

Rosseau was influenced by the progress of the age of enlightenment throughout Europe, as well as from the French Revolution and the development of modern political, economic, and educational thought.

Rousseau was became popular for his essay ‘Discourses on the Arts and Science’ (1750)

The Confession was the autobiography of Rousseau.

Important Books written by Rousseau

 A Discourse on the Origins of Inequality (1755)

The Social Contract (1762)


Emile or On Education (1762)

Confessions (1782–1789)

Important Political Contributions of Rousseau

Jean-Jacques Rousseau is an eminent 18th century political philosopher who made several important political contributions that have had an ever lasting impact on political theory and practice. Here are some of the important political contributions of Rousseau:

  1. The Social Contract:

Rousseau’s concept of the “social contract” is the most important to his political philosophy. In his work, “The Social Contract” (1762), he argues that individuals can achieve true freedom by entering into a collective agreement to form a society governed by the general will. According to Rousseau, this general will represents the collective interests of the people, distinct from individual or group interests.

2. Popular Sovereignty:

Rousseau’s idea of popular sovereignty explains that the authority of the government is derived from the consent of the governed. He believed that legitimate political authority lies with the people, and the government should reflect the general will of the population. This concept influenced the development of democratic ideologies and the formation of modern democratic government.

3. Critique of Inequality:

In his work  A Discourse on the Origins of Inequality (1755) , Rousseau explores the social and economic inequalities that arise in human societies. He argues that the establishment of private property led to social disparities and that true equality can only be achieved by addressing the roots of inequality. His critique of inequality had a significant impact on later social and political thought, inspiring movements for social justice and equality.

4. Education and Citizenship:

Rousseau in his book “Emile, or On Education” (1762) emphasizes the importance of education in shaping individuals as citizens. He believed that education should cultivate a sense of civic duty and moral responsibility, preparing individuals to participate actively in public life. His ideas on education influenced educational reforms and the development of civic education programs.

5. Direct Democracy:

Rousseau was an advocate of direct democracy, where citizens actively participate in decision-making processes rather than being represented by elected officials. He believed that direct participation ensures that the general will is accurately represented and that individuals remain engaged in the political life of their community. This idea has influenced various forms of participatory democracy and grassroots movements.

Rousseau’s political philosophy remains influential and significant to shape contemporary debates on democracy, equality, and the role of the state in society.


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