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Multiple Choice Questions on Machiavelli



1. Who is known as the first modern political thinker?
     a) Aristotle
     b) Plato
     c) Machiavelli
     d)  All of the above
  Ans: c) Machiavelli
2. Niccolo Machiavelli born on: 
  a) Florence
  b) Athens
  c) Stagira
  d) None of the above
 Ans: a) Florence
3. According to Machiavelli, which type of government is the ideal form of government?
   a) Republic
   b) Monarchy
   c) Aristocracy
   d)   None of these
Ans: a) Republic
4. Which is not a book written by Machiavelli?
     a) The Prince
     b) Discourses of Livy
     c) Second Treatise of Civil Government
     d) The Art of art
  Ans: c) Second Treatise of Civil Government
5. Who known as ‘Devil’s disciple’ and ‘Despot’s tutor’:
     a) Aristotle
     b) Plato
     c) Machiavelli
     d) All of the above
  Ans: c) Machiavelli
6. Who dubbed Machiavelli as a “teacher of evil”:
      a) Benedetto Croce
      b) Ernest Cassirer
      c) Sabine
      d) Leo Strauss
   Ans: d) Leo Strauss
7. Machiavelli is known as ___ of politics:
      a) Galileo
      b) Newton
      c) Einstein
       d)  None of these
    Ans: a) Galileo
  8. According to Machiavelli, which is the practical form of government recommended for vicious people? 
       a) Republic
       b) Monarchy
       c) Aristocracy
       d)  None of these   
    Ans: b) Monarchy
9.  Who separated politics from ethics?
     a) Aristotle
     b) Plato
     c) Machiavelli
     d)  All of the above
      Ans: c) Machiavelli
  10. Who advised, ‘Prince should have the qualities of both lion and fox’:
         a) Aristotle
         b) Plato
         c) Machiavelli
         d) All of the above
      Ans: c) Machiavelli

11. Who is known as Indian Machiavelli? 
     a) Kautilya
     b) Mahatma Gandhi
     c) Aurobindo
     d) None of these
   Ans:a) Kautilya
12. Machiavelli’s philosophy is based on which method:
   a) Philosophical
   b) Empirical
   c) Historical 
   d) Value-based
  Ans: c) Historical 
13. Who was first to encourage the use of ‘dirty hands’ in politics:
     a) Aristotle
     b) Plato
     c) Machiavelli
     d) Hobbes
    Ans: c) Machiavelli

 14.’ A History of Political Theory’ is written by:
      a) Benedetto Croce
      b) Ernest Cassirer
       c) Sabine
       d) Leo Strauss
      Ans: c) Sabine

15. Who among the following called Machiavelli as a ‘realist’ or a ‘pragmatist’?
       a) Benedetto Croce
       b) Ernest Cassirer
       c) Sabine
       d) Leo Strauss
     Ans: a) Benedetto Croce

Important Facts About Machiavelli

1- Full name of Machiavelli is Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli
2- Niccolò Machiavelli, born in 1469 in Florence, Italy during the Italian Renaissance and died in 1527.
3- Machiavelli is known as the father of modern political science.
4- He served as a diplomat for Florence, experiencing both political influence and exile due to shifting Medici rule. 5- Machiavelli’s ideas are associated with cunning and realism in politics and apart from political ideas Machiavelli also wrote comedies, poetry, and historical accounts, demonstrating his versatility as a writer.

Important Books Written by Machiavelli


1-The Prince – Published in 1513. the book is known as Machiavelli’s most famous work. It offers advice to rulers on how to acquire and maintain political power.
2- Discourses on Livy – The book is written in 1517. It discusses about republican government, military strategy, and the role of citizens in maintaining a free state.
3-The Art of War – The book is written around 1519 and focuses on military theory and strategy, drawing on Machiavelli’s experiences as a military administrator.
4- History of Florence – The book is completed in 1525 and it discusses Machiavelli’s historical account of Florence from its origins to the death of Lorenzo de’ Medici.

Political Philosophies of Machiavelli

Niccolò Machiavelli made several major contributions in the field of Western Political Philosophy:
Realism in Political Theory: Machiavelli is known as a pragmatic and realistic thinker of political science because of his idea that political actions should be judged by their effectiveness rather than by abstract moral values.
Separation of Ethics and Politics: Machiavelli famously argued in “The Prince” that rulers should sometimes act immorally if it serves the stability and security of the state. This separation of ethics from politics was a revolutionary idea that challenged traditional views of governance.
Focus on Power Politics: Machiavelli gave importance to role of power in politics. according to Machiavelli, the primary goal of ruler should be to maintain and increase power and control over own territory and subjects.
Fortuna and Virtu: Machiavelli introduced the concept of “virtù,” which means the qualities of effective leadership like strength, decisiveness, and diplomacy. According to Machiavelli, the prince should be as powerful as Lion and as cleaver as a Fox. He also give importance to the role of “fortuna” which means luck in shaping political outcomes.
These contributions of Machiavelli makes him reas a pivotal figure in the development of modern political theory, challenging conventional wisdom and laying the groundwork for pragmatic approaches to governance.

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