Karl Marx
1. Karl Marx is the chief exponent of marxism belongs to:
(a) France
(b) Germany
(c) Italy
(d) Japan
Ans. (b) Germany
2. Karl Marx was influenced by the political philosophy of:
(a) Plato
(b) Aristotle
(c) Hegel
(d) Rousseau
Ans. (c) Hegel
3. Which among the following is not a work of Karl Marx:
(a) The poverty of philosophy
(b) The class struggle in France
(c) Theses on Feuerbach
(d) Anti-Duhring
Ans. (d) Anti-Duhring
CUET Political Science question paper
4. Who believed that ‘idea’ or ‘consciousness’ was the essence of the universe:
(a) Karl Marx
(b) G.W.F. Hegel
(c) Engels
(d) Both (a) and (c)
Ans. (b) G.W.F. Hegel
5. Which among the following is not a major contribution of Karl Marx:
(a) Dialectical idealism
(b) Historical materialism
(c) Theory of Revolution
(d) Role of private property
Ans. (a) Dialectical idealism
6. Who said, ‘nation-state as the march of God on earth’:
(a) Marx
(b) Engels
(c) Hegel
(d) Mao
Ans. (c) Hegel
7. The book ‘Anti-Duhring’ is written by:
(a) Hegel
(b) Marx
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Engels
Ans. (d) Engels
8. Who said, ‘ property is theft’:
(a) Karl Marx
(b) Engels
(c) P.J. Proudhon
(d) Locke
Ans. (c) P.J. Proudhon
9. Who dubbed, ‘ Religion is the opium of the people’:
(a) Karl Marx
(b) Engels
(c) P.J. Proudhon
(d) Locke
Ans. (a) Karl Marx
10. Which can be called as Superstructure:
(a) Religion
(b) Morals
(c) Literature and Arts
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d) All of the above
11. Who among the following describe Revolution as the indispensable midwife of social change:
(a) Aristotle
(b) Karl Marx
(c) Hobbes
(d) Locke
Ans. (b) Karl Marx
12. The famous book ‘Communist Manifesto’ is published in the year:
(a) 1888
(b) 1838
(c) 1848
(d) 1898
Ans. (c) 1848
13. Who among the following is the exponent of the ‘ doctrine of permanent revolution’
(a) Marx
(b) Lenin
(c) Hegel
(d) Mao
Ans. (d) Mao
14. The book ‘Marxism and the open mind’ (1976) is written by:
(a) Miliband
(b) Engels
(c) John Lewis
(d) Mao
Ans. (c) John Lewis
15. Who among the following is not an exponent of dependency theory:
(a) Andre Gunder frank
(b) Samir Amin
(c) Mao
(d) None of these
Ans. (c) Mao
16. Which among the following is correctly matched :
(a) Bolshevik Revolution —- 1917
(b) Communist Revolution —- 1776
(c) French Revolution ———– 1879
(d) Industrial Revolution ——- 1748
Ans. (a) Bolshevik Revolution —- 1917
17. The book ‘Holy Family’ (1845) is written by:
(a) Karl Marx
(b) Engels
(c) Karl Marx and Engels
(d) None of these
Ans. (c) Karl Marx and Engels
18. Status of class conflict in modern capitalist society is described in the book:
(a) Holy Family(1845)
(b) Communist Manifesto(1848)
(c) Class Struggle in France(1850)
(d) Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts(1844)
Ans. (b) Communist Manifesto(1848)
19. Who among the following is an exponent of Political Structuralism:
(a) Immanuel Wallerstein
(b) Paul Baran
(c) Nicos Poulantzas
(d) None of these
Ans. (c) Nicos Poulantzas
20. ‘The Power Elite'(1956) is a celebrated work of:
(a) Pareto
(b) Robert Michels
(c) C. Wright Mill
(d) Ralph Miliband
Ans. (c) C. Wright Mill
UGC NET political science question paper with answers
Important Facts about Karl Marx:
Karl Marx born in 5 May 1818 and died in 14 March 1883 in German.
Karl Marx was a German philosopher, political theorist, historian, sociologist, journalist and revolutionary socialist.
Karl Marx was influenced by the ideas of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.
Karl Marx’s ideas are collectively known as Marxism had enormous influence on modern intellectual, economic and political history.
Karl Marx is famous for his theories about Capitalism, socialism, and Communism.
Books Written by Karl Marx:
- The Communist Manifesto
- Capital (German: Das Kapital)
- Economic & Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844
- Grundrisse
- The German Ideology
- Wage Labour and Capital
- A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy
- The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
- The Poverty of Philosophy
Important Quotations of Karl Marx:
“Keep people from their history, and they are easily controlled“.
“Accumulation of wealth at one pole is at the same time accumulation of misery, agony of toil, slavery, ignorance, brutality, mental degradation, at the opposite pole.”
“From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.“
“Democracy is the road to socialism.“
“History repeats itself, the first as tragedy, then as farce.“
“The first requisite for the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion.“
“Communism begins where atheism begins.“
“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.e., the class which is the ruling material force of society, is at the same time its ruling intellectual force.“
Important Political Contribution of Karl Marx:
Karl Marx is a 19th-century philosopher, economist, historian, sociologist, political theorist, journalist, and socialist revolutionary. He made several important contributions to western political thought:
- Theory of Historical Materialism:
Marx’s theory of historical materialism explains that material conditions and economic activities are the foundation of social development. According to Marx, history progresses through a series of stages defined by the dominant mode of production, such as feudalism, capitalism, and eventually, socialism.
2. Critique of Capitalism:
Marx’s seminal work, “Das Kapital,” provides a thorough critique of the capitalist system. He argued that capitalism is inherently exploitative, as it relies on the surplus value extracted from the labor of workers. Marx believed that the capitalist system leads to alienation, where workers become estranged from their labor, products, and fellow workers.
3. Class Struggle and Revolution:
Marx emphasized the role of class struggle in historical development. He believed that the class struggle between the bourgeoisie (capitalist class) and the proletariat (working class) would eventually lead to a proletarian revolution, overthrowing the capitalist system and establishing a classless and communist society.
4. Concept of Ideology:
Marx introduced the concept of ideology that explain how the dominant ideas in any society reflect the interests of the ruling class. He argued that the ruling class uses ideology to maintain its control and suppress the working class’s revolutionary potential.
5. Communist Manifesto:
The most famous book of Karl Marx is the “Communist Manifesto” Co-authored with Friedrich Engels. The book calls for the proletariat to unite and overthrow the bourgeoisie, advocating for a society without class divisions, private property, or state apparatuses.
6. International Workingmen’s Association (First International):
Marx played a significant role in the International Workingmen’s Association is also known as the First International organization. This organization aimed to unite various socialist, communist, and anarchist groups to work towards common goals of workers’ rights and social justice.
7. Impact on Socialist and Communist Movements:
Marx’s ideas influences for various socialist and communist movements worldwide. His theories influenced political leaders and revolutions, notably the Russian Revolution of 1917, which led to the establishment of the Soviet Union under the leadership of Lenin.
8. Theoretical Foundation for Modern Sociology:
Marx’s analysis of society, economy, and politics provided a foundation for modern sociology. His concepts of class, power, and ideology continue to be central to sociological research and theory.
Marx’s contributions have significantly shaped political thought, influencing a wide range of disciplines and movements dedicated to addressing social and economic inequalities and disparities exist in the society.
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