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25 Important MCQs on Theories of International Relation

MCQs on Theories of International Relations

MCQs on Theories of International Relations

The article contains 25 Important MCQs on Theories of International Relations that are helpful for all political science students for UGC NET and CUET examinations.

  1. According to Marxist theory, what is the primary factor of social and political relations?

a) Religion

b) Ideology

c) Culture

d) Economy

Ans: d) Economy

2. Who among the following is not an exponent of Marxist theory of IR?

a) Karl Marx

b) Mao

c) Hegel

d) Lenin

Ans: c) Hegel

3. Who wrote the book ‘Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy’?

a) Lenin

b) Karl Marx

c) Mao

d) Gramsci

Ans: b) Karl Marx

Net Political Science question paper

4. Who said, ‘Accumulation of wealth at one pole is, therefore, at the same time accumulation of misery, agony of toil, slavery, ignorance and brutality at the opposite pole’?

a) Robert W. Cox

b) Gramsci

c) Karl Marx

d) Mao

Ans: c) Karl Marx

5. Who among the following Marxist theorist focused on the concept of “dependency theory”?

a) Friedrich Engels

b) Immanuel Wallerstein

c) Lenin

d) A. G. Frank

Ans: b) Immanuel Wallerstein

6. Who gave the slogan ‘all workers of the world should unite’?

a) Lenin

b) Gramsci

c) Karl Marx

d) Mao

Ans: c) Karl Marx

political science CUET mock test

7. Which of the following is a key focus of feminist theory in international relations?

a) Balance of power among states

b) Gender roles and inequalities in international politics

c) Security and survival of states

d) Economic determinism in global governance

Ans: b) Gender roles and inequalities in international politics

8.  According to feminist theory, gender seen as:

a) A fixed biological trait

b) A social construct that shapes power relations

c) Determined by economic factors

d) Relevant for development in international relations

Ans: b) A social construct that shapes power relations

9. Which feminist scholar is known for her work on “gendered division of labour” in international relations?

a) Cynthia Enloe

b) Carol Cohn

c) J. Ann Tickner

d) Christine Sylvester

Ans: a) Cynthia Enloe

10. Which feminist concept emphasizes the ways in which women’s bodies are used as sites of power in international relations?

a) Patriarchy

b) Gender mainstreaming

c) Sexual Objectification

d) Hegemonic masculinity

Ans: c) Sexual Objectification

Political Science Books and Authors List

11. Who is considered one of the pioneering figures in feminist theory of international relations?

a) Carol Cohn

b) Kenneth Waltz

c) Morgenthau

d) Henry Kissinger

Ans: a) Carol Cohn

12. Which feminist scholar emphasized the importance of gender roles in shaping international politics?

a) Cynthia Enloe

b) John Mearsheimer

c) Robert Keohane

d) Joseph Nye

Ans: a) Cynthia Enloe

13. Who wrote the influential book “Gender in International Relations”?

a) Christine Sylvester

b) Marysia Zalewski

c) J. Ann Tickner

d) V. Spike Peterson

Ans: c) J. Ann Tickner

14. Who wrote “Feminism and International Relation”?

a)  Christine Sylvester

b) Tickner

c) Cynthia Enloe

d) Sandra Whitworth

Ans: d) Sandra Whitworth

15.  Who gave her views on women’s social and sexual status within society?

a) Germaine Greer

b) Cynthia Enloe

c) Sandra Whitworth

d) Laura Sjoberg

Ans: a) Germaine Greer

16. Euro-centrism in International Relations refers to:

a) A focus on European nations as the primary actors in global politics

b) A critique of European dominance in global economic systems

c) An emphasis on non-European perspectives in International Relations

d) A rejection of western values and norms

Ans: a) A focus on European nations as the primary actors in global politics

17. Which historical factor contributed to the development of Eurocentrism in International Relations?

a) Colonialism and Imperialism

b) Industrialization

c) Decolonization movements

d) Globalization

Ans: a) Colonialism and Imperialism

18. Eurocentric perspectives often overlook the contribution of :

a) Colonial states

b) Western European states

c) Non-western societies and cultures

d) Developed nations

Ans: c) Non-western societies and cultures

19. Eurocentrism is often associated with which school of thought in International Relations?

a) Realism

b) Liberalism

c) Constructivism

d) Post-colonialism

Ans: a) Realism

20. Who wrote “The White Man’s Burden”?

a) Cecil Rhodes

b) Edward Said

c) Rudyard Kipling

d) Immanuel Kant

Ans: c) Rudyard Kipling

21. Who gave the idea of Orientalism?

a) Hegel

b) Edward Said

c) Rudyard Kipling

d) Immanuel Kant

Ans: b) Edward Said

22. What does the term “global south” refers to?

a) Developed countries

b) Countries located in the southern hemisphere

c) Less economically developed countries

d) Countries with advanced technology

Ans: c) Less economically developed countries

23. Which of the following best describes the historical context of the global south?

a) Emerged during the cold war as a political alliance

b) Originated as a geographical term to describe countries below the equator

c) Evolved from colonial and post-colonial struggles for independence and development

d) Formed by the UN as a voting block

Ans: c) Evolved from colonial and post-colonial struggles for independence and development

24. Which organization represents the interests of countries in the global south?

a) G8




Ans: b) BRICS

25. Who first coined the term ‘global south’?

a) March and Oslen

b) Peter Benns

c) Carl Oglesby

d) Alfred Sauvey

Ans: c) Carl Oglesby

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