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38 Public Administration MCQs on Public Policy

MCQs on Public Policy

MCQs on Public Policy

Public Policy is an important part to the study of Public Administration that covers the meaning, definition, approaches and making process of Public Policy. In this blog we will cover 38 Public Administration MCQs on Public Policy which are prepared according to the CUET exam pattern.

Public Policy and Major Approaches in Public Administration

  1. Who said, “public policy is whatever government chooses to do or not to do”?

a) Carl J. Friedrich

b) Thomas R. Dye

c) Richard Rose

d) David Easton

Ans: b) Thomas R. Dye

2. Public Policy as an academic pursuit emerged in the beginning of —-?

a) 1920s

b) 1930s

c) 1940s

d) 1950s

Ans: d) 1950s

3. The concept of policy sciences was first formulated by—-?

a) Appleby

b) Harold Lasswell

c) David Easton

d) Talcott Parsons

Ans: b) Harold Lasswell

4. Who wrote “Policy and Administration”?

a) Dimock and Dimock

b) Appleby

c) Harold Lasswell

d) David Easton

Ans: b) Appleby

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5. Who said, “A theory of public administration means in our time a theory of politics too”?

a) John Gaus

b) Dimock and Dimock

c) Appleby

d) Harold Lasswell

Ans: a) John Gaus

6. Who wrote “Essentials of Public Administration”?

a) Dimock and Dimock

b) E.N. Gladden

c) Seckler-Hudson

d) Harold Lasswell

Ans: b) E.N. Gladden

7. Who gave black box model?

a) David Easton

b) Talcott Parson

c) Seckler-Hudson

d) Harold Lasswell

Ans: a) David Easton

8. Who describe 6 stages of policy process?

a) Michael Howlett

b) Carl J. Friedrich

c) Thomas R. Dye

d) Richard Rose

Ans: c) Thomas R. Dye

9. Who gave rational policy making model?

a) David Easton

b) Thomas Dye

c) Herbert Simon

d) Lindblom

Ans: c) Herbert Simon

10. Who is the chief exponent of normative-optimum model?

a) Yehezekel Dror

b) Thomas Dye

c) Herbert Simon

d) Lindblom

Ans: a) Yehezekel Dror

11. Who wrote the book “The Intelligence of Democracy”?

a) James Anderson

b) Thomas Dye

c) Herbert Simon

d) Lindblom

Ans: d) Lindblom

12. Which conference gave rise to ‘new public administration’?

a) The Minnow brook Conference

b) The Philadelphia Conference

c) The Hawthorne Conference

d) None of the above

Ans: a) The Minnow brook Conference

13. The New Public Administration developed in —?

a) 1940s

b) 1950s

c) 1960s

d) 1970s

Ans: c) 1960s

14. Who published the article “Public Administration in a Time of Revolutions”?

a) Frank Marini

b) Dwight Waldo

c) George Frederickson

d) David Osborne

Ans: b) Dwight Waldo

15. Who wrote the book “New Public Administration”?

a) Christopher Hood

b) Dwight Waldo

c) George Frederickson

d) David Osborne

Ans: a) George Frederickson

16. Who gave five goals of New Public Administration?

a) M.E. Dimock

b) Frank Marini

c) Dwight Waldo

d) George Frederickson

Ans: b) Frank Marini

17. Which among the following is not a goal New Public Administration?

a) Relevance

b) Values

c) Social Equality

d) Change

Ans: c) Social Equality

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18. Second Minnowbrook Conference was held in —?

a) September 1988

b) March 1988

c) September 1968

d) March 1968

Ans: a) September 1988

19. The New Public Management perspective came into existence in—-?

a) 1980s

b) 1970s

c) 1990s

d) 1960s

Ans: c) 1990s

 20. Who wrote the book “Reinventing Government”?

a) David Osborne and Ted Gaebler

b) Frank Marini

c) Dwight Waldo

d) George Frederickson

Ans: a) David Osborne and Ted Gaebler

21. Who coined the term ‘New Public Management’?

a) Frank Marini

b) Christopher Hood

c) Dwight Waldo

d) George Frederickson

Ans: b) Christopher Hood

22. Who called the New Public Management as ‘managerialism’?

a) Osborne and Gaebler

b) Frank Marini

c) Christopher Hood

d) Pollitt

Ans: d) Polllitt

23. Who called new public management as ‘entrepreneurial government’?

a) George Frederickson

b) Osborne and Gaebler

c)Frank Marini

d) Christopher Hood

Ans: b) Osborne and Gaebler

24. Who first made the distinction between policy and administration?

a) Woodrow Wilson

b) Luther Gullick

c) Harold Lasswell

d) E.N. Gladden

Ans: a) Woodrow Wilson

25. Who defined public administration as “the enforcement of public policy”?

a) Luther Gulick

b) Harold Lasswell

c) E.N. Gladden

d) L.D. White

Ans: d) L.D. White

26. Which among the following is not a stage of public policy?

a) Agenda-setting

b) Policy Formulation

c) Policy building

d) Policy evaluation

Ans: c) Policy building

27. Who wrote the book “Administrative Behaviour”?

a) Harold Lasswell

b) Charles Lindblom

c) Herbert Simon

d) David Easton

Ans: c) Herbert Simon

28. Who define 3 stages of rational decision-making: intelligence, design and choice?

a) David Easton

b) Harold Lasswell

c) Charles Lindblom

d) Herbert Simon

Ans: d) Herbert Simon

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29. Who wrote the article “The Science of Moulding Through”?

a) Charles Lindblom

b) Yehezkel Dror

c) Geoffrey Vickers

d) Harold Lasswell

Ans: a) Charles Lindblom

30. Who is the leading representative of elite- mass model?

a) Harold Lasswell

b) C. Wright Mill

c) George Frederickson

d) Osborne and Gaebler

Ans: b) C. Wright Mill

31. Which model of public policy-making is based on the “hydraulic theory of politics”?

a) Elite-mass model

b) Incremental model

c) Group model

d) Institutional model

Ans: c) Group model

32. Who gave the idea of new public service approach?

a) Osborne and Gaebler

b) Yehezkel Dror

c) Geoffrey Vickers

d) Janet V. Denhardt and Robert B. Denhardt

Ans: d) Janet V. Denhardt and Robert B. Denhardt

33. Which report set out the definition of Good Governance?

a) Government and Development report, 1992

b) Good governance report, 1992

c) Governance  and Development report, 1992

d) Ethics and Governance report, 1992

Ans: c) Governance and Development report, 1992

34.  ——– gave Governance and Development report in 1992?

a) United Nations

b) World Bank

c) World Economic Forum

d) International Court of Justice

Ans: b) World Bank

35. How many principles of good governance were set by United Nations?

a) 7

b) 6

c) 8

d) 9

Ans) c) 8

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36. Which among the following is not a principle of good governance?

a) Accountable

b) Transparent

c) Effective and ethical

d) Equitable and inclusive

Ans: c) Effective and ethical

37. Which day is celebrated as Good Governance day?

a) 25th December

b) 24th December

c) 24th November

d) 25th December

Ans: a) 25th December

38. The Good Governance Index was launched in which year?

a) 2018

b) 2019

c) 2020

d) 2016

Ans: b) 2019