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45 MCQs on Theories of Public Administration

MCQs on Theories of Public Administration

MCQs on Theories of Public Administration

In this Political Science CUET Mock Test, 45 MCQs on Theories of Public Administration were discussed on classical, Neo-classical and Contemporary theories of Public Administration. These MCQs are very helpful for PG entrance tests like CPET and CUET.

Classical Theories of Public Administration

  1. Who is known as the father of scientific management theory?

a) Elton Mayo

b)) Max Weber

c) F.W. Taylor

d) Gulick

Ans: c) F.W. Taylor

2. Who first coined the term “scientific management”?

a) Louis Brandies

b) M.P. Follet

c) Urwick

d) F.W. Taylor

Ans: a) Louis Brandies

3. Who wrote the book “Principles of Scientific Management”?

a) L.M. Gilbreth

b) H.L. Gantt

c) Max Weber

d) F.W. Taylor

Ans: d) F.W. Taylor

4. ‘Functional foremanship’ is the technique of which theory?

a) Classical theory

b) Scientific management theory

c) Bureaucratic theory

d) Human Relations theory

Ans: b) Scientific management theory

5. Which among the following is not a principle of scientific management theory?

a) Science, not rule of thumb

b) Harmony,  not discord

c) Individualism, not cooperation

d) Maximum output, in place of restricted output

Ans: c) Individualism, not cooperation

6. Who wrote the book “Work and Authority in Industry”?

a) Richard Bendix

b) F. W. Taylor

c) H. L. Gantt

d) Thompson

Ans: a) Richard Bendix

7. Who called classical theory as ‘administrative management theory’?

a) Henry Fayol

b) Luther Gulick

c) M.P. Follet

d) March and Simon

Ans: d) March and Simon

8. Who is regarded as the father of classical theory?

a) Mooney and Reiley

b) Henry Fayol

c) Luther Gulick

d) M.P. Follet

Ans: b) Henry Fayol

9. Fayol suggested about how many type of industrial activities?

a) 7

b) 6

c) 8

d) 9

Ans:  b) 6

10. Who gave the concept of ‘POCCC’?

a) M.P. Follet

b) Henry Fayol

c) Luther Gulick

d) Mooney

Ans: b) Henry Fayol

11. Who specified fourteen principles of administration?

a) F. W. Taylor

b) M.P. Follet

c) Henry Fayol

d) Luther Gulick

Ans: c) Henry Fayol

12. According to Henry Fayol, which one is not a principle of administration?

a) Decentralization

b) Equity

c) Unity of command

d) Scalar chain

Ans: a) Decentralization

13. Who identified four bases of departmental organizations as 4P-formula?

a) Urwick

b) M.P. Follet

c) Henry Fayol

d) Luther Gulick

Ans: d) Luther Gulick

14. Who wrote the book “The Elements of Administration”?

a) Max weber

b) Urwick

c) M.P. Follet

d) Henry Fayol

Ans: b) Urwick

15. Who called hierarchy as ‘scalar process’?

a) Herbert Simon

b) Mooney and Reiley

c) Henry Fayol

d) Luther Gulick

Ans: b) Mooney and Reiley

16. Who first coined the term “bureaucracy”?

a) F.M. Marx

b) Max Weber

c) Thomas Carlyle

d) Vincent de Gurney

Ans: d) Vincent de Gurney

17. The term bureaucracy was first used by —?

a) Gaetano Mosca

b) F.M. Marx

c) Max Weber

d) Thomas Carlyle

Ans: b) F.M. Marx

18.  Who propounded the concept of Iron Law of Oligarchy?

a) Robert Michels

b) Gaetano Mosca

c) Pareto

d) Max Weber

Ans: a) Robert Michels

19.  Who wrote the book “The Ruling Class”?

a) F.M Marx

b) Robert Michels

c) Gaetano Mosca

d) Pareto

Ans: c) Gaetano Mosca

20. Who gave the concept of ideal type of bureaucracy?

a) Max Weber

b) F.M. Marx

c) Karl Marx

d) Thomas Carlyle

Ans: a) Max Weber

21. Who said, “all administration means domination”?

a) Robert Michels

b) Gaetano Mosca

c) F.M. Marx

d) Max Weber

Ans: d) Max Weber

22. Which among the following type of authority is the ideal type of bureaucracy according to Max Webber?

a) Traditional Authority

b)  Charismatic Authority

c) Legal-Rational Authority

d) All of the above

Ans: c) Legal-Rational Authority

23. Who wrote the book “Bureaucracy”?

a) Martin Albrow

b) F.M. Marx

c) Max Weber

d) Thomas Carlyle

Ans: a) Martin Albrow

24. Who gave acceptance theory of authority?

a) Weber

b) Henry Fayol

c) Chester Barnard

d) Herbert Simon

Ans: c) Chester Barnard

25. Who said, “Administration is a cooperative social action”?

a) M.P. Follet

b) Chester Barnard

c) Simon and March

d) Weber

Ans: b) Chester Barnard

Neo-Classical and Contemporary Theories of Public Administration

  1. The Human Relation Theory of organization came into existence –?

a) 1920s

b) 1930s

c) 1940s

d) 1960s

Ans: b) 1930s

2. Human Relations Theory is also known as –?

a) Humanistic Theory

b) Socio-economic Theory

c) Neo-classical Theory

d) All of the above

Ans: d) All of the above

3. Who is known as ‘father of human relation theory’?

a) George Maslow

b) Elton Mayo

c) F.W. Taylor

d) Chester Bernard

Ans: b) Elton Mayo

4. Hawthorne Studies is the basis for the rise of —- theory?

a) Scientific Management Theory

b) Administrative Management Theory

c) Human Relation Theory

d) Behavioural Theory

Ans: c) Human Relation Theory

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5. Which among the following is not an element of Human Relation Theory?

a) The Individual

b) Informal Organization

c) Participative Management

d) Scientific Management

Ans: d) Scientific Management

6. What is “rate-buster”?

a) One should not turn out too much work. If one does

b) One should not turn out too little work. If one does

c) One should not tell a supervisor anything that will react to the detriment of an associate

d) None of the above

Ans: c) One should not tell a supervisor anything that will react to the detriment of an associate

7. The first comprehensive analysis of the decision making process is given by —?

a) Terry

b) Seckler-Hudson

c) Simon

d) Chester Bernard

Ans: d) Chester Bernard

8. Who define decision-making as “the optimum rational choice between alternative courses of action”?

a) Kate Millet

b) Seckler-Hudson

c) Herbert Simon

d) Chester Bernard

Ans: c) Herbert Simon

9. Who gave bounded rationality model?

a) Amitai Etzioni

b) Charles Lindbloom

c) Yehezkel Dror

d) Herbert Simon

Ans: d) Herbert Simon

10. Who is the chief advocate of ‘incremental model’?

a) Chester Bernard

b) Charles Lindblom

c) Yehezkel Dror

d) Herbert Simon

Ans: b) Charles Lindblom

CUET political science question paper

11.  According to Simon, which among the following is not a phase of decision making?

a) Intelligence activity

b) Design activity

c) Choice activity

d) Rational activity

Ans: d) Rational activity

12. Who is the chief advocate mixed-scanning model?

a) Herbert  Simon

b) Amitai Etizioni

c) Charles Lindblom

d) Yehezkel Dror

Ans: d) Amitai Etizioni

13. Who classified decisions into programmed and non-programmed?

a) Chester Bernard

b) Herbert  Simon

c) Amitai Etizioni

d) Charles Lindbloom

Ans: b) Herbert Simon

14. Who wrote the book “The Ecology of Public Administration”?

a) J. M. Gaus

b) Robert A. Dahl

c) F.W. Riggs

d) Roscoe Martin

Ans: c) F.W. Riggs

15. Who is known as the foremost model-builder in comparative public administration?

a) Gabriel Almond

b) Robert A. Dahl

c) F.W. Riggs

d) Roscoe Martin

Ans: c) F.W. Riggs

16. Who among the following is not an exponent of the ecological approach?

a) J.M. Gaus

b) Roscoe Martin

c) Robert A. Dahl

d) Chester Bernard

Ans: d) Chester Bernard

17. Who gave Agraria-Industria model?

a) Talcott Parsons

b) J. M. Gaus

c) Robert A. Dahl

d) F.W. Riggs

Ans: d) F.W. Riggs

18. Bazaar- Canteen Model is a feature of —- model?

a) Prismatic-Sala Model

b) Fused-Prismatic –Diffracted Model

c) Agraria-Industria Model

d) Agraria-Transitia-Industria Model.

Ans: a) Prismatic-Sala Model

19. The word ‘entrepreneur’ is derived from the ——word which means to undertake?

a) French word entrepre

b) French word enterendre

c) Latin word entrepre

d) Latin word enterendre

Ans: b) French word enterendre

20. Who wrote the book “Innovation and Entrepreneurship”?

a) Herbert Simon

b) Max Weber

c) Peter Drucker

d) Adam Smith

Ans: c) Peter Drucker

Political Science CUET Mock Test

21. Who defined economic innovation in his theory of economic development?

a) Joseph Schumpeter

b) Max Weber

c) Peter Drucker

d) Adam Smith

Ans: a) Joseph Schumpeter